Explore Focus Bear's Accessibility Options to personalize your user experience.
Accessing Accessibility Options
For Mac:
Follow these simple steps to access accessibility settings on Mac:
- Click the Focus Bear icon located in the menu bar.
- Select 'Preferences.'
- Navigate to the 'Settings' tab.
- Edit your accessibility settings in the ‘Accessibility Option’ section of the settings tab.
For Windows:
To access accessibility settings on Windows, perform the following steps:
- Click the Focus Bear icon in the taskbar.
- Choose 'Preferences.'
- Navigate to the 'Settings' tab.
- Edit your accessibility settings in the 'General' section, the first in the settings tab.
*Note: Windows users have access to a limited set of accessibility settings, with only the app font customization option available.
Application Font:
Customize the font used within the application.
Note: The following settings or features are not yet available on Windows.
Prefer Reduced Motion:
Disable animated bears to reduce motion in the app.
Announcement After Each Activity:
Opt to receive announcements after completing each activity.
Play Sound Effects:
Enable or disable sound effects within the app.