Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings

Note: This setting or feature is not yet available on Windows.

Accessing Advanced Settings:

For Mac:

Follow these simple steps to access the Advanced Settings on Mac:

  1. Click the Focus Bear icon located in the menu bar.
  2. Select 'Preferences.'
  3. Navigate to the 'Settings' tab.
  4. Go to the 'Advanced Settings' section.

Meeting Detection:   

Enable Meeting Detection: Activate meeting detection to enhance focus during meetings.

Automated Meeting Focus Mode: Automatically suggest starting the "Meetings" focus mode during detected meetings.  


Hide Focus Bear on Screenshots: Prevent Focus Bear from appearing in screenshots when the app is active.

Micro Breaks:  

Show Micro Breaks While Postponing Routine: Choose whether to display micro breaks while postponing your routine.

Show Breaks While in a Call: Decide whether to show breaks while you're in a call.

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