How to Add a Relax Habit to Your Evening Routine

How to Add a Relax Habit to Your Evening Routine

How to Add a "Relax" Habit to Your Evening Routine

  1. Go to Preferences:

    • Open the app and navigate to the Preferences section.

  1. Go to Habits:

    • Select the "Habits" option.

  1. Select Evening Routine Habits:

    • Click on "Evening Routine Habits."

  1. Click More Options:

    • Click on "More Options."

  1. Select the Allowed Apps Tab:

    • Navigate to the "Allowed Apps" tab.

  1. Configure Relax Habit:

    • Focus Mode: Turn on Focus Mode and select "Relax - Block Nothing."

  • Show Guilt-Free Play Popup: Turn this option on.

  1. Save Habit:

    • Hit "Save" to add the "Relax" habit to your evening routine.

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