How to turn off Focus Bear

How to turn off Focus Bear

You have the option to turn off Focus Bear completely by clicking the ‘Pause Blocking’ button in the app menu.

You can choose how long to turn it off or turn it off completely and turn it back on when you’re ready. If you want to turn it off completely, just click “Turn it off completely and turn it back on when I’m ready”, then choose your reason for deactivating.

Choose Reasons for Deactivating:

Before choosing your reasons for deactivating, you have 2 seconds to reflect on whether you are serious about deactivating. You have the option to cancel the deactivation by clicking “I didn’t mean it. Let me do my habits”.

After 2 seconds of reflection, you can now choose why you want to deactivate Focus Bear.

Selecting ”I’ve got an emergency”, “I have a meeting”, “Someone else is using my computer”, or “I want to relax for a while without restrictions” options restores access immediately and cancels habits for the next 4 hours.

In selecting “The app is the broken”, “I’m finding Focus Bear annoying”, or “Something else”, Focus Bear  will deactivate all popups and wants to know what happened. You can type your explanation in the space provided.

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