Setting up Always Blocked Sites and Apps in Focus Bear

Setting up Always Blocked Sites and Apps in Focus Bear

Focus Bear helps you be more intentional about how you use super-distracting sites and apps. This feature blocks these distractions during focus sessions and, outside these sessions, prompts you to set an intention before using them. A pop-up will appear before blocking the site, allowing you to specify your reason for using it and for how long. You also have the option to block it immediately.

Clicking the "Immediately block super distracting sites" option in the settings will block the site immediately.

Note for Note for Windows Users

Currently, Focus Bear on Windows supports blocking "Super Distracting Sites" only. The "Super Distracting Apps" feature is available exclusively for Mac users.

Mac Users

If you want to block a certain website or an app all the time, regardless if you are in a focus mode or not, you will need to add them in the Super Distracting Sites or Apps list.

To add a Super Distracting Site or App

1. Click the Focus Bear menu.

2. Click Preferences.

3. In the Preferences window, on the left, click Strictness.

4. Click Super Distracting Sites if you want to block a site, or Super Distracting Apps if you want to block an app.

5. In the Super Distracting Sites/Apps tab, click on the plus (+) sign at the bottom.


6. For Super Distracting Sites, enter the URLs of the websites that you want t block, then click Add. 

7. For Super Distracting Apps, select the app that you want to block, then click Select. 

To unblock Super Distracting Sites and Apps

1. Click the Focus Bear menu.

2. Click Preferences.

3. In the Preferences window, on the left, click Strictness.

4. Click Super Distracting Sites or Super Distracting Apps.

5. Select the app or site you want to unblock, then click the minus (-) sign at the bottom.

Your changes are automatically saved when you close the Preferences window.

Windows Users

To Block Super Distracting Sites

  1. On your taskbar, click the Focus Bear icon to open the app menu.
  2. Click Preferences to open the app settings.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Navigate to the Blocked URLs section.
  5. Click the plus (+) sign.

    6. Type or paste the URL/site that you want to block and click the Add button.

To Unblock Super Distracting Sites

  1. On your taskbar, click the Focus Bear icon to open the app menu.
  2. Click Preferences to open the app settings.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Navigate to the Blocked URLs section.
  5. Select the site you want to unblock, then click the minus (-) sign at the bottom.

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